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Is that animated window with the rain in this pack? If so, where is it found in the file directory?

Hi, if you send me a mail at I can send it to you ^^

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is possible to access to pay tiles? i cant afford it

oh my that looks amazing!! im planning to join a jam- anywhere i could speak to you?

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Thank you ^^ if you use Discord add me kamisama2883, or send me a mail at

perfect! thank you ^^

Could you please add it as a project? I couldn't manage to add the tileset.

an rpg maker project? please send me an email at and I will send you the project.

hey bro this is great asset can i use for my game project and i will donate if i get money cause i dont have money at this moment ?

thanks u bro

Hello! ofc you can use this version for non-commercial projcts.

if you want to use it for commercial project contact me at I'll give you a license to use it. :D

oh thank u brother i will send u email asap



wonderful asset pack. but what are the dimensions for this?

Hello! Thank you so much ^^, this asset pack is formatted for RPG maker, if you notice each file has a different name A4, A5, A1 each of them has its dimension here is a guide that will explain the file dimensions in-depth Please let me know if you need any more help :D you can send me an email at I'll gladly help you ^^ 

Thank you!

Hey there, I'm interested in using this for a project and downloaded the free version of this to try it out before getting the paid version. 

However, I had some issues when importing the tilesets to RPGMaker MV, specifically with the walls. Could I send you some screencaps on twitter for some help? 

Hey yeah for sure, send me a message on and I'll help you!

is it ok if I use your assets here to make my own voxel graphics? I'll still credit you

That Is interesting! I'd love to see what you are working on, is it a game?

yes, it's for a game I was working on.

Hi! First thing I want to say is I love this asset pack. I am actually creating my first game using this, I am still getting used to game development but I was wondering if I could get a Free license key. I unfortunately cannot afford to purchase an asset pack at this time:(

Sup!! oh, I understand it's always hard at first, can you send me an email at I'll give you a free key!

sent that over to you! It should be from

I LOVE this asset pack. The atmosphere and aesthetic that it creates is perfect. The only complaint I have is that the lockers, floor tiles, and desk items can only face in one direction.

hey! I'm really glad you like the asset pack! And thanks for the feedback! send me an email at and I'll send you some items in different directions that  I did not publish yet! 

Hello-, I have been really busy with work lately, so I am sorry that I only just saw your reply, but I have finally gotten around to emailing, and was wondering if you still had those other tilesets. So sorry for the late response.

This is exactly what I've been looking for! Thank you for sharing!

Glad to hear this :p, Thanks for downloading ^^

Hey buddy, does this asset pack include all the environment assets and the characters I see in the video or are they sold separately? If not included, can you dm me your rates per custom pixel character to seraphicscribe ?

Great Job btw, I wish you the best!

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Hello! It do contain all the enviroment but it only contains 1 character sprite in 4directions and the rest is static, Unfortunantly I am not taking commission for now ( I have close deadline to finish game demo :( ) and thank you for your kind words ^^ add me on discord  (kamisama2883) if you want to disscus anything else ^^ 

Bumped into your thread on reddit by a chance, gotta say, your pixel art is trully awesome, nice job!

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I appericiate your kind words, Thank you <3 

This is definitely one of the best assets I've ever seen, it's a shame I can't make a donation for the complete pack :(. but your work is undoubtedly incredible.

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Oh my god! You can't imagine how happy I am to hear this! I feel like I really need to add more assets but I am so busy with my game! I hope that after I realease a demo I'll be able to make more! Thanks again for your kinds words really boost my moral in this hard times :D send me a mail at and I'll send you the full pack for free!

Wow, that's incredibly generous of you! I truly appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to share these assets. Your support means a lot. I just sent you an email for you, and I'm looking forward to exploring the full pack. Thanks once again for your kindness! 😊

Hello, a question... I'm developing a video game

How much would you charge to work on its textures?

That's my mail

and if any other texture designer sees this msg he is welcome to send his work

may i use the tile set for my game? sorry for not donating :( the tiles are very pretty tho

It's very beautiful! Can I use a couple of tiles in my project? Sorry for not making a donation :(

Thanks! Feel free to use them as you wish! Send me an email on and I'll send you a free key for the full assets and a License for commercial projects! 

hey kami i am an indie Horror game dev(adult) with comercial plans for our next game now i wanted to ask u if there is a way our studio can get a full pack license? this pack could potentially finish the last levels of our next game that we release in begin 2024 if u want something in return ofcourse we could take u along as we create the game and finish it if u ever make more horror pixel packs we would be very interested too get back at us when u can:) u can email us as

Good, good, good

Are you taking comissions/working on projects with game devs?

Hey! I'm solo indie dev my self Thanks for your interest!

I would love to see what you are working! Can you email me the details and what you need me for on

Thank you ^^ 

Well i'm planning on making a game with an enemie ai that  follows you around  a giant house where you have to find  things to defeat the monster and contain it but there is gonna be a twist :)

Nice, 4 stars.

Thank you!

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I should actually thank you for your efforts in making the tilesets as I used most of them in my game during game jam. It really saved me time to work on every other aspects.

If you'd like to know which game then it's pretty much found in my page haha.


Hello, it's an immense honor to see my assets in someone else's game! Thank you! I'll definitely be checking your game :p 

These are great! Thank you!

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I like the new animated door sprite

Thank you! I am planning on adding a bunch of animated stuff as well ^^ 

Nice assets!

When exactly are you going to publish the full pack?

Hi! I'm glad you like the assets To be honest I'm slowly building the pack as I am progressing with my game, So I don't have a deadline for the moment but I'll be there soon enough since I'm about to start the mapping part, Are you planning to use my assets for a game? do you need a finished product? if yes how long are you willing to wait?  please let me know!

Well currently I'm working on a game using the godot engine and I also have to fix some bugs in my previous games on and I have thought of making a horror game next.

So I can wait for a few months and I think you should add more characters and monsters( like a book with fangs or a zombie chicken).

And I mostly use download assets from or kenney as I am not good at pixel art

Nicee! I also use godot engine hahah alight few months it is! I'm currently making an horror action rpg by then I should have finished the pack, and I'll post my project with premade scenes ( objects with  collision and animations) I'll also work on ennemies with 4 directions! I hope you'll like the result and good luck on your project as well ^^ 


Godot is easy to use and helpful in many ways especially for 2d games it is better than unity

Yep, I felt in love with Godot as well  :p

I tried using the tilesheets with the TILED workspace and it didnt quite work. What is the dimensions of the sprites and are they formatted properly? because the dimensions I put in make it so that multiple tile assets are chosen at once instead of the ones I want to be chosen.


Hmm I never used tiled, But try to set it 48*48 pixel grid size.

Wow! That's a really awesome asset pack!! Really great work!

Thank you! I'm Glad you like it! ^^


Can I use them to create a game and put it in my portfolio?

Ofc ^^

Hi. I would like you to know that i'm creating a horror game using some of your assets and style :). Thank you so much for your work and inspiration ^^


My man! You gave me motivation to work harder on this assets I was busy with coding but I'm going to take a break and work on the assets Thak you!

Glad to hear that :D
Let me show you how it looks like ^^


Oh my! it looks really good, Your mapping skills are impressive!! I always recommend this video to a friendly mapper! take a look at this Chanelle and your skills may level up., Oh, and Btw where can I follow your game?

Thank you for your amazing words ^^. Due to the way i'm creating the game can't apply stuff like that ambient occlusion trick, but will take a look at the light part :D, thank you. Right now i'm not showing off the status of the project anywhere but it might be a good idea. I'm programming it on Construct 2 from scratch and can't share any build yet, but here you have a preview video.


Subscribed! Good luck with your project ^^


Thank you!

Oh, do you use Godot? That's also my preferred game engine of choice

Yes godot is handy in so many ways!

I love the style! It's very unique and looks professional! One of these days I'd like to learn to make proper pixel art.

Thanks for your kind words,I know how hard it can be to focus on both your game code and art so take it easy ^^